Each Career Story:

  • is a lively four to six-page story based on the career life of a real person.
  • is written in a newspaper or magazine feature profile style with colorful photos
  • follows a chronological order with details of each individual’s career success story from high school to present
  • offers advice on selecting school courses, finding that first job, and climbing the career ladder
  • job-shadows a real-life workday, to better show the real day-to-day responsibilities, including favorite and least-favorite parts of the job

Below is a sample of both new and previous formats of a Career Story. The information contained in each is essentially the same, but we updated the format to be more similar to a magazine profile, with room for larger quotes, and special topic sections.

Newer Stories:


Using the above toolbar, you can advance by page vs scrolling, zoom in and out, download a copy to save or print, or enlarge to view in full screen.

Previous Format:


